In January, most people have the expectation to set a New Year’s resolution which may be a goal to encourage changes in behavior that will positively impact your life. Examples are going to the gym more frequently to lose weight, spending less money so you can save more, or even taking up a new hobby that you will master into a skill. The resolution is typically set with an end time to evaluate and celebrate the achievement you’ve made. In 2020, many of us have experienced a year of peaks and valleys that may have impacted those goals.
The uncertainties of the year may have felt like they were never going to end at one point or another, but one specific achievement to celebrate is making it through! If you’ve watched the news, listened to current podcasts or followed trending topics on social media at any point this year, then you know how topsy-turvy times have felt. We were all thrown a curve ball in the form of a worldwide pandemic. COVID-19 changed all our lives in more ways than one, and it may have impacted some of those New Year’s Resolutions we have set. The thought of going through this year while working from home with our families, children going through virtual learning, and essential workers working tirelessly on the front lines have been a success, and that is something to celebrate.
An achievement is defined as being a result gained by effort. This year has required effort on all fronts to achieve new goals that were acquired due to the environment pushing us there. One huge achievement to be called out are pharmacies administering flu vaccines at an all-time high. There has been data to support that 23.5 million people received the flu shot from August 7th through October 2nd compared with 12.6 million during the same time frame in 2019.1 Those numbers have almost doubled in the matter of a year and amidst a pandemic – that is huge!
A great way to celebrate your achievements would be to review what your goals have been, acknowledge how they’ve been impacted, check off your efforts and embrace that success. It is a humbling experience to have the opportunity to take a step back and say, “As difficult as times could have been, I’ve made it through, and I succeeded in completing these goals.” As the holidays approach, take this time to rejoice in the successes and enjoy having your families present.