PQS has summarized the April 4, 2022 “Announcement of Calendar Year (CY) 2023 Medicare Advantage (MA) Capitation Rates and Part C and Part D Payment Policies.” It is available for download using the button below. The full CMS announcement can be accessed HERE.
PQS Summary of CY2023 Rate Announcement
Why read the PQS Summary of the 2023 Rate Announcement?
The Star Ratings program utilizes data from prior years to inform future program design. It is imperative that Health Plans, PBMs, and Pharmacies understand how performance will be evaluated and used for future years. Understanding the CMS’s guidelines and guardrails for the program and planning ahead may lead to further success in the program.
What’s Inside?
Inside our regulatory update, we provide a condensed high-level summary of measure-related updates, including patient experience/complaints and access, Part C changes of interest-Controlling Blood Pressure and Various Part D changes of interest. Updates also pertain to measures: Initial Opioid Prescribing (IOP-LD) and Persistence to Basil Insulin (PST-INS) Measure Part D.
Download the PQS Summary of Pharmacy/Medication-Related Updates in the CY 2023 Rate Announcement by clicking the button below.
PQS Summary of CY2023 Rate Announcement