Enhanced Services:
Gaps in Care and Adherence Monitoring
Generate additional revenue while enhancing the health of your patient population. Sponsored by health plans, pharmacies have opportunities to deliver point-of-care testing with consults to improve gaps in care and medication adherence.

Earn more dollars and support patient health with
three enhanced services opportunities.
Blood Pressure
The comprehensive Controlling High Blood Pressure (CBP) Gap Closure Program is designed to work with pharmacies to allow credentialed staff members to capture and collect blood pressure readings for patients identified by the health plan.
The comprehensive Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Data Gap Closure Program allows CLIA-waived pharmacies to capture, collect and return documented HbA1c test results to the health plan for identified members.
The Adherence Monitoring Program allows pharmacies to see targeted patients qualifying for intervention, track program progress and earn compensation for meeting health plan sponsor program requirements.
Find new
enhanced services
opportunities today!
Log in to EQUIPP to see if your pharmacy has opportunities to close gaps in care and capture additional revenue.
Not quite ready? Learn more below.
Three Steps to Pharmacy Success
Log in to EQUIPP Enhanced Services to view programs available to your pharmacy. Click on the target on the left navigation bar.
Address patient opportunity and deliver consult.
Document the consult in EQUIPP and submit.
In the News
Learn how PQS is working with health plans like EmblemHealth to empower pharmacies to take patient care to the next level.
Program Resources
Need more information before getting started? Log in to EQUIPP and click “Support” to access the EQUIPP Knowledge Base.
Tap our expertise to improve patient and
business outcomes
With 10+ years of quality measurement expertise and deep pharmacy knowledge, PQS provides best-practices to develop innovative quality strategies to support more effective interventions.
10+ years
of quality experience